"Half of what you’ll learn in medical school will be shown to be either dead wrong
or out of date within five years of your graduation;
the trouble is that nobody can tell you which half – so the most important thing to learn
is how to learn on your own." source
~Dr. David Sackett, father of Evidence Based Medicine
What's all the fuss about this "plandemic" video?
Shawn Gallagher
May 9 2020
Videos about vaccines and pharmaceutical companies are hot on the internet these days.
This is not a post about vaccines, or the virus, or conspiracies. Sorry if you want to hear a rant (pro or con) regarding the video, but this is something different.
This is a post about you, about us, and how to navigate our reactivity.
If you've heard even some of what's being said, you are reacting. I know I have. And I'm not naturally a reactive person. It takes a lot to get me going, but the thought of losing democracy (what's left of it), civil rights, and the inability to refuse medical treatment that I don't want and never asked for...that stuff gets me riled up, for sure.
We're not doing that. On this post, we're going down a different road.
First, though, my heart goes out to all those who have contracted the virus, who have lost loved ones, and who are in healthcare. The rest of us are struggling (some more than others) and we find this time very challenging. I cannot begin to imagine how difficult it is for you.
The pharmaceutical industry.
I have been aware of issues regarding the lack of integrity in the pharmaceutical industry for a long time, so I am personally no longer shocked to hear example after example of fraud in the trillion dollar pharma-ceutical industry. Honestly, corruption is a part of all industries. Given the potential for corruption that comes with huge sums of money, plus the power that pharmaceutical companies have amassed, it makes sense that there are whistleblowers within the industry. It also makes sense that there are powerful forces being brought to bear to shut these whistleblowers down.
That’s not news here.
There is speculation about the leaders and institutions who have (knowingly or unknowingly) lied to us.
Again, not news.
Most people assume politicians lie and we have a joking acceptance of this when we go to vote. Humans have been lied to for a long time by politicians, industry, religion, the military, our families, and more. We’ve put up with it for a myriad of reasons.
But, when we realize that the medical industry is fraudulent...
Once the penny drops that the pharmaceutical industry owns and operates most of the medical profession, we realize that what passes for medicine may (or may not) be actual science.
And we find this out smack dab in the middle of a pandemic.
In lockdown.
While deeply worried about our health and the health of our loved ones.
Please note: I am not saying that doctors and other healthcare workers are fraudulent. I am not saying that the workers in the pharmaceutical are fraudulent. They are just doing what they've been taught.
What I am saying is that the INDUSTRY itself is corrupt. The pharmaceutical industry has been structured to benefit a handful of people at the top. The system is rigged in favour of them and against the people who consume their products. And part of the structure is massive lobbying and marketing to hypnotize us into believing their dogma.
Remember when this industry told us that depression is due to a serotonin deficiency? They based this on the Type I diabetes model (this type of diabetes is caused by a deficiency of the insulin hormone). Depression and Type I diabetes don't have much in common, but the industry used diabetes as a marketing model to sell billions of dollars of antidepressants known as SSRIs. Some people actually believe they have an inability to make the serotonin they need and must stay on these drugs for life.
It is now common knowledge in medicine that this depression research is false because there is evidence that the industry rigged the data and cherry-picked what they wanted published. We now know that simple exercise outperforms antidepressants for mild to moderate mood disorders. Oh...and the risk of violence to self or others that is a potential side effect of being on these drugs? It increases in some, but we don't know exactly who will be prone to this prior to when they start treatment. It can be a crapshoot.
***Even though I shouldn't have to say this...stopping SSRIs cold-turkey is definitely unsafe. NEVER use blog posts to base your medical decisions on. Please work with your doctor.***
When we look at the leading causes of death in developed countries, heart disease and cancer are typically the top two. These lists usually omit number 3: medical. This is either preventable medical errors, hospital acquired infection, unnecessary treatment, or properly prescribed medication that is taken as indicated.
Medicine can be amazing. Medicine can be a significant risk to health. Of the three principles of Evidence Based Medicine, the patient's choices, values, and preferences are a key component. We have choices and being informed is an essential aspect of making the choices that are best for us.
Filling our prescriptions.
For the majority of us, getting a prescription from our trusted doctor and filling it at our trusted pharmacy has been almost a sacred act in our culture. We have believed for a very long time that there is virtually no corruption anywhere in this process. We've taken our pills and injections and believed that this is the best that medicine has to offer. If medicine has let us down, it is probably our fault anyway, we reason to ourselves. We’ve believed the research published in respected medical journals. We’ve injected our kids and poured drugs down their throats without asking questions first…because we trusted. In the face of interacting with a healthcare provider, we became unconscious and we did as we were told.
No longer. Once trust is broken, it is very, very hard to repair.
We are naturally designed to heal.
The first step is to recognize that all healing happens within.
Our bodies are not inherently flawed. We don’t suffer from a deficiency of acetaminophen/serotonin/fill-in-the-blank chemical. What the body needs is the proper support and then it naturally does what it can to fix itself.
In fact, the biggest pharmacy on the planet is the space between our ears. Our bodies make everything the pharma industry creates – it has to in order for drugs to work. If the drugs work, that means we have receptor sites for them. If we have receptor sites that pharma drugs to dock onto, that means that our bodies actually make a natural version of the chemical in the first place.
Our bodies naturally make everything the pharmaceutical industry has created. And, given half a chance, our bodies make these biochemicals safely and effectively.
Just visualizing more endorphins stimulates the body to make more endorphins. Endorphins are chemically similar to morphine, and unlike morphine, endorphins are way safer. In fact, with natural childbirth, the body makes a dose of natural anaesthetic (i.e. endorphins) with every contraction and this natural anaesthetic is safer and better for both the mother and baby. When chemical anaesthetic is given via an epidural in childbirth, the fentanyl (a narcotic opioid) and cocaine-based drugs in the epidural cross the placenta to the baby (not good) source. The body then dials back the natural anaesthetic it had been making up to that point (also not good).
What most people do not know is that when we birth without chemical anaesthetic we actually do get “drugs” – naturally created anaesthetic that is good for us and good for our babies. Disclaimer: I teach parents how to use hypnosis to support this process.
For those who are waking up to the realization that pharmaceutical companies have put their own needs before ours and have been manipulating us all along will find these new thoughts deeply disturbing. I am so sorry that you are hearing about this for the first time during a pandemic.
It definitely sucks.
And this is what is happening for many. For a lifetime, we have been trained to look to pharma as our “saviour.” And now in a health crisis people are saying this “saviour” cannot be trusted? Ack! Not everyone is open to hearing this message, which is why we see messengers being attacked.
Some people hear the message from the video and become profoundly frightened as a result. They become hopeless because IF pharma medicine is the only saviour, then the next logical step would be a thought somewhere along the lines of “Then, if not pharma, I've lost my only chance to be saved.” Many of us have a core belief that medicine/pharma equals saviour, but belief is just a firm thought. A belief doesn't mean that it's true - it's just a belief.
(Side note: when we have a belief, we are wired to argue in order to justify that we have the belief. even when the belief makes us miserable. We fight for our beliefs, but beliefs can, and should, be changed as appropriate. Even the Dalai Lama said that if science proves that something in Buddhism isn't true, then Buddhism will change to reflect science.)
Some people watch the video and become enraged and decide it’s time to start a petition. And then they share the video to ensure that all their friends will wake up just as they are doing.
If you keep doing what you've been doing, you'll get the same outcome...
For thousands of years, we've been enmeshed throughout human history with enslavement, revolutions and war.
It's time to stop. The old ways never worked anyway, and they certainly won't work today.
The old ways included submitting to what the leaders decided. Resistance is futile, was the general idea.
Or the old ways (if we were brave enough/terrified enough) was to pick up torches and pitchforks, stage a revolution, and then install new leaders.
Or we leave where we are living to go live somewhere else.
The codependent triangle (victim, persecutor, rescuer) is the model still present and functional in business, politics, religions, finances, healthcare, many relationships, and more.
None of these strategies will work today. All they will do is perpetuate the old hierarchical structure of domination and control.
Why? Because all these are REACTIONS based on old PARADIGMS of looking outside for the solution. It's the entire model of the medical industry.
So that doesn't work. Now what do we do?
It’s time to step out of the paradigm. It's time to become conscious and it's time to take responsibility for our health.
The is not a time for revolution. This is a time for evolution. As we change, the world around us changes.
Only WE can heal us. What we are looking for is inside us.
We are the ones we have been waiting for.
The Game.
But we need to know what we are dealing with first: we are in a giant game of tug of rope.
THE MORE WE RESIST the dictates of those in power, the stronger the other side becomes. We pull hard on our end of the rope, but remember, the other side can pull just as hard. Or harder.
It’s important to know that when we engage our emotions of rage, terror, and/or despair, we keep this tug of rope game going. By exhausting ourselves emotionally, we are actually making it more painful for ourselves.
Just remember that our emotions are normal. We are allowed to have these emotions.
I’m not saying don’t GET angry/sad/frightened/despairing/fill-in-the-blank-emotion.
What I am saying is don’t STAY angry/sad/frightened/despairing/fill-in-the-blank-emotion.
Don’t get stuck in your emotions. Just let go of your end of the rope.
So, it's that easy? Just let go of the rope...ok, what's the first step?
Emotions. Really?
Start by acknowledging your emotions. When we are upset, our neurology can engage in flight-flight-freeze, and when this happens, we cannot think clearly.
It could be as simple as: “Hello _____ (anger, anxiety, etc). Welcome back, old friend. Is there something you’d like to share?”
Let your emotions be heard and acknowledged by you. This is always better for the immune system, anyway. Based on the Focusing work by Eugene Gendlin, simply acknowledging and sitting with an emotion means that it changes within a minute or so. Being able to sit (ideally without judgement or justification) literally changes the emotion and it changes rapidly.
COVID-19 is asking us to do our own personal work. We are in the process of a huge upgrade in human evolution and in order to handle that, we start with addressing the emotions that show up. From a colleague I respect, we are recommended to first begin with our anger.
There's a LOT of anger bubbling up right now. And rage. We're all feeling it.
That's ok. The process is to acknowledge the anger. Then release and let go. Acknowledge and release.
This is work we all need to do all day, every day. Acknowledging your emotional state only once doesn’t work. It’s like the items in a vending machine – as soon as we pull one out, another one pops into place. Most of us have a lifetime of stored energy in our emotions that is asking to move. There’s nothing wrong or unusual about this.
And processing emotions can be done safely and gently – simple ask your body for this to be safe and gentle and it will respect you.
If you find Energy Tapping, or The Havening, or EMDR, or Emotion Code, or The Sedona Method, or hypnosis, or NLP, or journalling, or Compassion Meditation, or positive affirmations, or The Anti-Anxiety Buffet, or any similar approach helpful, then use what works.
Emotional work entails: Acknowledge. Release. Repeat.
And remember to breathe.
Next step.
Then focus your conscious mind on what you DO want to think and feel.
We spend a lot of time think about, reacting to, analyzing, and ruminating on what we DON'T want. The trick is to spend 51% or more time refocusing on what we DO want. Visualize it. Think it. Feel it. Remind yourself out loud. Whatever works.
If a negative or non-supportive thought shows up, no biggee. Just say "Cancel, Delete." And then replace with what you do want. More on this here.
Then what?
Check in with your heart. Your unique gifts and talents can be accessed to help us all. Everyone counts and your contribution, no matter how small, is important.
Once we become clear emotionally, we have greater access to our intelligent frontal lobes and we make better decisions. Then we have more freedom to make the choices that are truly a good fit for us.
Maybe you will feel called to:
Make friends with your body
Your body is your friend. It wants to be healthy and it can be, especially if given half a chance. Eat as healthy as you can. Get good rest. Release worry. Breathe. Exercise.
Love yourself.
Thank your body.
Involve yourself in an activity that puts a smile on your face.
We will all get through this.
For today, choose one to three words to focus your intent.
Today, I choose: equanimity, curious, and ease.
What are yours?
#COVID-19 #coronavirus #emotions #healing #plandemic
Tug of rope photo by Victor Freitas from Pexels
Let Your Light Shine photo by Bich Tran from Pexels
Shawn Gallagher
May 9 2020
Videos about vaccines and pharmaceutical companies are hot on the internet these days.
This is not a post about vaccines, or the virus, or conspiracies. Sorry if you want to hear a rant (pro or con) regarding the video, but this is something different.
This is a post about you, about us, and how to navigate our reactivity.
If you've heard even some of what's being said, you are reacting. I know I have. And I'm not naturally a reactive person. It takes a lot to get me going, but the thought of losing democracy (what's left of it), civil rights, and the inability to refuse medical treatment that I don't want and never asked for...that stuff gets me riled up, for sure.
We're not doing that. On this post, we're going down a different road.
First, though, my heart goes out to all those who have contracted the virus, who have lost loved ones, and who are in healthcare. The rest of us are struggling (some more than others) and we find this time very challenging. I cannot begin to imagine how difficult it is for you.
The pharmaceutical industry.
I have been aware of issues regarding the lack of integrity in the pharmaceutical industry for a long time, so I am personally no longer shocked to hear example after example of fraud in the trillion dollar pharma-ceutical industry. Honestly, corruption is a part of all industries. Given the potential for corruption that comes with huge sums of money, plus the power that pharmaceutical companies have amassed, it makes sense that there are whistleblowers within the industry. It also makes sense that there are powerful forces being brought to bear to shut these whistleblowers down.
That’s not news here.
There is speculation about the leaders and institutions who have (knowingly or unknowingly) lied to us.
Again, not news.
Most people assume politicians lie and we have a joking acceptance of this when we go to vote. Humans have been lied to for a long time by politicians, industry, religion, the military, our families, and more. We’ve put up with it for a myriad of reasons.
But, when we realize that the medical industry is fraudulent...
Once the penny drops that the pharmaceutical industry owns and operates most of the medical profession, we realize that what passes for medicine may (or may not) be actual science.
And we find this out smack dab in the middle of a pandemic.
In lockdown.
While deeply worried about our health and the health of our loved ones.
Please note: I am not saying that doctors and other healthcare workers are fraudulent. I am not saying that the workers in the pharmaceutical are fraudulent. They are just doing what they've been taught.
What I am saying is that the INDUSTRY itself is corrupt. The pharmaceutical industry has been structured to benefit a handful of people at the top. The system is rigged in favour of them and against the people who consume their products. And part of the structure is massive lobbying and marketing to hypnotize us into believing their dogma.
Remember when this industry told us that depression is due to a serotonin deficiency? They based this on the Type I diabetes model (this type of diabetes is caused by a deficiency of the insulin hormone). Depression and Type I diabetes don't have much in common, but the industry used diabetes as a marketing model to sell billions of dollars of antidepressants known as SSRIs. Some people actually believe they have an inability to make the serotonin they need and must stay on these drugs for life.
It is now common knowledge in medicine that this depression research is false because there is evidence that the industry rigged the data and cherry-picked what they wanted published. We now know that simple exercise outperforms antidepressants for mild to moderate mood disorders. Oh...and the risk of violence to self or others that is a potential side effect of being on these drugs? It increases in some, but we don't know exactly who will be prone to this prior to when they start treatment. It can be a crapshoot.
***Even though I shouldn't have to say this...stopping SSRIs cold-turkey is definitely unsafe. NEVER use blog posts to base your medical decisions on. Please work with your doctor.***
When we look at the leading causes of death in developed countries, heart disease and cancer are typically the top two. These lists usually omit number 3: medical. This is either preventable medical errors, hospital acquired infection, unnecessary treatment, or properly prescribed medication that is taken as indicated.
Medicine can be amazing. Medicine can be a significant risk to health. Of the three principles of Evidence Based Medicine, the patient's choices, values, and preferences are a key component. We have choices and being informed is an essential aspect of making the choices that are best for us.
Filling our prescriptions.
For the majority of us, getting a prescription from our trusted doctor and filling it at our trusted pharmacy has been almost a sacred act in our culture. We have believed for a very long time that there is virtually no corruption anywhere in this process. We've taken our pills and injections and believed that this is the best that medicine has to offer. If medicine has let us down, it is probably our fault anyway, we reason to ourselves. We’ve believed the research published in respected medical journals. We’ve injected our kids and poured drugs down their throats without asking questions first…because we trusted. In the face of interacting with a healthcare provider, we became unconscious and we did as we were told.
No longer. Once trust is broken, it is very, very hard to repair.
We are naturally designed to heal.
The first step is to recognize that all healing happens within.
Our bodies are not inherently flawed. We don’t suffer from a deficiency of acetaminophen/serotonin/fill-in-the-blank chemical. What the body needs is the proper support and then it naturally does what it can to fix itself.
In fact, the biggest pharmacy on the planet is the space between our ears. Our bodies make everything the pharma industry creates – it has to in order for drugs to work. If the drugs work, that means we have receptor sites for them. If we have receptor sites that pharma drugs to dock onto, that means that our bodies actually make a natural version of the chemical in the first place.
Our bodies naturally make everything the pharmaceutical industry has created. And, given half a chance, our bodies make these biochemicals safely and effectively.
Just visualizing more endorphins stimulates the body to make more endorphins. Endorphins are chemically similar to morphine, and unlike morphine, endorphins are way safer. In fact, with natural childbirth, the body makes a dose of natural anaesthetic (i.e. endorphins) with every contraction and this natural anaesthetic is safer and better for both the mother and baby. When chemical anaesthetic is given via an epidural in childbirth, the fentanyl (a narcotic opioid) and cocaine-based drugs in the epidural cross the placenta to the baby (not good) source. The body then dials back the natural anaesthetic it had been making up to that point (also not good).
What most people do not know is that when we birth without chemical anaesthetic we actually do get “drugs” – naturally created anaesthetic that is good for us and good for our babies. Disclaimer: I teach parents how to use hypnosis to support this process.
For those who are waking up to the realization that pharmaceutical companies have put their own needs before ours and have been manipulating us all along will find these new thoughts deeply disturbing. I am so sorry that you are hearing about this for the first time during a pandemic.
It definitely sucks.
And this is what is happening for many. For a lifetime, we have been trained to look to pharma as our “saviour.” And now in a health crisis people are saying this “saviour” cannot be trusted? Ack! Not everyone is open to hearing this message, which is why we see messengers being attacked.
Some people hear the message from the video and become profoundly frightened as a result. They become hopeless because IF pharma medicine is the only saviour, then the next logical step would be a thought somewhere along the lines of “Then, if not pharma, I've lost my only chance to be saved.” Many of us have a core belief that medicine/pharma equals saviour, but belief is just a firm thought. A belief doesn't mean that it's true - it's just a belief.
(Side note: when we have a belief, we are wired to argue in order to justify that we have the belief. even when the belief makes us miserable. We fight for our beliefs, but beliefs can, and should, be changed as appropriate. Even the Dalai Lama said that if science proves that something in Buddhism isn't true, then Buddhism will change to reflect science.)
Some people watch the video and become enraged and decide it’s time to start a petition. And then they share the video to ensure that all their friends will wake up just as they are doing.
If you keep doing what you've been doing, you'll get the same outcome...
For thousands of years, we've been enmeshed throughout human history with enslavement, revolutions and war.
It's time to stop. The old ways never worked anyway, and they certainly won't work today.
The old ways included submitting to what the leaders decided. Resistance is futile, was the general idea.
Or the old ways (if we were brave enough/terrified enough) was to pick up torches and pitchforks, stage a revolution, and then install new leaders.
Or we leave where we are living to go live somewhere else.
The codependent triangle (victim, persecutor, rescuer) is the model still present and functional in business, politics, religions, finances, healthcare, many relationships, and more.
None of these strategies will work today. All they will do is perpetuate the old hierarchical structure of domination and control.
- Mars will not save us.
- New leaders will not save us.
- Torches and pitchfork style revolution will not save us.
- Outrage and sharing videos will not save us.
- Signing petitions will not save us.
- Stocking up at a firearms store will not save us.
Why? Because all these are REACTIONS based on old PARADIGMS of looking outside for the solution. It's the entire model of the medical industry.
So that doesn't work. Now what do we do?
It’s time to step out of the paradigm. It's time to become conscious and it's time to take responsibility for our health.
The is not a time for revolution. This is a time for evolution. As we change, the world around us changes.
Only WE can heal us. What we are looking for is inside us.
We are the ones we have been waiting for.
The Game.
But we need to know what we are dealing with first: we are in a giant game of tug of rope.
THE MORE WE RESIST the dictates of those in power, the stronger the other side becomes. We pull hard on our end of the rope, but remember, the other side can pull just as hard. Or harder.
It’s important to know that when we engage our emotions of rage, terror, and/or despair, we keep this tug of rope game going. By exhausting ourselves emotionally, we are actually making it more painful for ourselves.
Just remember that our emotions are normal. We are allowed to have these emotions.
I’m not saying don’t GET angry/sad/frightened/despairing/fill-in-the-blank-emotion.
What I am saying is don’t STAY angry/sad/frightened/despairing/fill-in-the-blank-emotion.
Don’t get stuck in your emotions. Just let go of your end of the rope.
So, it's that easy? Just let go of the rope...ok, what's the first step?
Emotions. Really?
Start by acknowledging your emotions. When we are upset, our neurology can engage in flight-flight-freeze, and when this happens, we cannot think clearly.
It could be as simple as: “Hello _____ (anger, anxiety, etc). Welcome back, old friend. Is there something you’d like to share?”
Let your emotions be heard and acknowledged by you. This is always better for the immune system, anyway. Based on the Focusing work by Eugene Gendlin, simply acknowledging and sitting with an emotion means that it changes within a minute or so. Being able to sit (ideally without judgement or justification) literally changes the emotion and it changes rapidly.
COVID-19 is asking us to do our own personal work. We are in the process of a huge upgrade in human evolution and in order to handle that, we start with addressing the emotions that show up. From a colleague I respect, we are recommended to first begin with our anger.
There's a LOT of anger bubbling up right now. And rage. We're all feeling it.
That's ok. The process is to acknowledge the anger. Then release and let go. Acknowledge and release.
This is work we all need to do all day, every day. Acknowledging your emotional state only once doesn’t work. It’s like the items in a vending machine – as soon as we pull one out, another one pops into place. Most of us have a lifetime of stored energy in our emotions that is asking to move. There’s nothing wrong or unusual about this.
And processing emotions can be done safely and gently – simple ask your body for this to be safe and gentle and it will respect you.
If you find Energy Tapping, or The Havening, or EMDR, or Emotion Code, or The Sedona Method, or hypnosis, or NLP, or journalling, or Compassion Meditation, or positive affirmations, or The Anti-Anxiety Buffet, or any similar approach helpful, then use what works.
Emotional work entails: Acknowledge. Release. Repeat.
And remember to breathe.
Next step.
Then focus your conscious mind on what you DO want to think and feel.
We spend a lot of time think about, reacting to, analyzing, and ruminating on what we DON'T want. The trick is to spend 51% or more time refocusing on what we DO want. Visualize it. Think it. Feel it. Remind yourself out loud. Whatever works.
If a negative or non-supportive thought shows up, no biggee. Just say "Cancel, Delete." And then replace with what you do want. More on this here.
Then what?
Check in with your heart. Your unique gifts and talents can be accessed to help us all. Everyone counts and your contribution, no matter how small, is important.
Once we become clear emotionally, we have greater access to our intelligent frontal lobes and we make better decisions. Then we have more freedom to make the choices that are truly a good fit for us.
Maybe you will feel called to:
- communicate with your elected representative,
- create a community of like-minded individuals,
- become a member, or donate, to a group that is fighting for civil rights,
- work with a group meditating/praying for peace (there's research to support that this works, believe it or not),
- create inspirational material for yourself and others,
- sign a petition,
- or find innovative ways that no one has ever thought of before this that inspire and lead.
Make friends with your body
Your body is your friend. It wants to be healthy and it can be, especially if given half a chance. Eat as healthy as you can. Get good rest. Release worry. Breathe. Exercise.
Love yourself.
Thank your body.
Involve yourself in an activity that puts a smile on your face.
We will all get through this.
For today, choose one to three words to focus your intent.
Today, I choose: equanimity, curious, and ease.
What are yours?
#COVID-19 #coronavirus #emotions #healing #plandemic
Tug of rope photo by Victor Freitas from Pexels
Let Your Light Shine photo by Bich Tran from Pexels