Getting Pregnant With Hypnosis?
"You need to relax."
"Just take a vacation."
"Stop trying so hard."
"Have you considered adoption?"
While well-meaning, comments such as these can be VERY painful to hear from friends and family.
At times like this, you want to reduce stress...not add to it.
Stress can heighten the Fight-Flight-Freeze response of the sympathetic nervous system.
Stress makes it harder to get pregnant and stay pregnant.
Can hypnosis help?
More couples are using hypnosis to assist fertility success.
IVF success rates are 53.1% with hypnosis (vs 30.2% without hypnosis).
Can hypnosis help? More couples are using HypnoFertility® to assist fertility success.
Take a look at the medical research:
1 Catiore et al 2013 http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00029157.2012.747949#.Uzt5wvldXTo
2 Louis et al 2011 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20688324
3 Facchinetti et al 1997 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9022608
4 Faymonville et al 1997 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9469526
5 Levitas et al 2006 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16566936
6 Alice Domar various https://www.domarcenter.com/
7 Thiering et al 1993 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/002239999390004Y
8 Saadat 2006 http://journals.lww.com/anesthesia-analgesia/Abstract/2006/05000/Hypnosis_Reduces_Preoperative_Anxiety_in_Adult.18.aspx
2 Louis et al 2011 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20688324
3 Facchinetti et al 1997 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9022608
4 Faymonville et al 1997 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9469526
5 Levitas et al 2006 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16566936
6 Alice Domar various https://www.domarcenter.com/
7 Thiering et al 1993 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/002239999390004Y
8 Saadat 2006 http://journals.lww.com/anesthesia-analgesia/Abstract/2006/05000/Hypnosis_Reduces_Preoperative_Anxiety_in_Adult.18.aspx
About me
I am a Board Certified Hypnotist and have been providing services to clients since 1998.
That's a long time and a LOT of clients.
And I am the type of hypnotist who listens when clients tell me about what they want changed. Every single appointment is tailored to the needs of the client at that moment. In the field of hypnosis, there is something called "scripts." Just as the word indicates, scripts are words laid out for the hypnotist to read aloud when the client is in trance.
Scripts have their value.
But I wouldn't want a one-size-fits-all approach applied to me. And I don't think you would either.
I did the HypnoFertility training in 2009 because I was being asked by women with fertility issues for help. But that was just the hypnosis. Fertility is a complex field medically, so I have had to learn a lot about cycles and medications and procedures. Choosing a hypnotist who is knowledgeable in this regard is helpful, because at least you don't need to explain the basics.
More importantly, however, is your emotional state. I am not a therapist, but my goal is that clients leave the appointment feeling better and most do. Sometimes all you need is a quick pick-me-up to get back in the game. Sometimes what is happening is overwhelming and some moments of deep calm and relaxation is what the nervous system needs. Sometimes, getting rid of that pesky fear of needles (or whatever) has to happen so you can move forward.
In addition to shifting out of sympathetic overdrive (fight/flight/freeze) into parasympathetic calm (rest and digest), hypnosis works to "reprogram" the unconscious mind. The primary job of the unconscious mind is safety and survival. And it is very, very good at its job. If, for any reason (and it doesn't have to make sense) the unconscious thinks that getting pregnant is unsafe, it will shut down fertility. So even though I am highly supportive of the fertility procedures that clients choose to access (for some people, this is the only option), the reproductive system has it own wisdom...it doesn't do well with being pushed, pestered or bullied. It needs nurturing, love, acceptance.
That is why I see clients at ALIVE Holistic Health, a TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) clinic, because TCM understands these principles. If you read Pathways To Pregnancy, Mary Wong's book (Mary is the Director of the clinic), you will see that she is a firm advocate for nurturing and supporting what the body needs. When its needs are met (nutritionally and for the unconscious mind), pregnancy happens easily.
This article explains this concept a little better: It Took 7 Miscarriages, 10 IVF cycles, 9 Years, and Nearly $200,000 to Solve My Fertility Issues.
If you would like to chat you can book a free 15 minute phone consultation here. Or call 416 255 8333 / use the contact form for email.
That's a long time and a LOT of clients.
And I am the type of hypnotist who listens when clients tell me about what they want changed. Every single appointment is tailored to the needs of the client at that moment. In the field of hypnosis, there is something called "scripts." Just as the word indicates, scripts are words laid out for the hypnotist to read aloud when the client is in trance.
Scripts have their value.
But I wouldn't want a one-size-fits-all approach applied to me. And I don't think you would either.
I did the HypnoFertility training in 2009 because I was being asked by women with fertility issues for help. But that was just the hypnosis. Fertility is a complex field medically, so I have had to learn a lot about cycles and medications and procedures. Choosing a hypnotist who is knowledgeable in this regard is helpful, because at least you don't need to explain the basics.
More importantly, however, is your emotional state. I am not a therapist, but my goal is that clients leave the appointment feeling better and most do. Sometimes all you need is a quick pick-me-up to get back in the game. Sometimes what is happening is overwhelming and some moments of deep calm and relaxation is what the nervous system needs. Sometimes, getting rid of that pesky fear of needles (or whatever) has to happen so you can move forward.
In addition to shifting out of sympathetic overdrive (fight/flight/freeze) into parasympathetic calm (rest and digest), hypnosis works to "reprogram" the unconscious mind. The primary job of the unconscious mind is safety and survival. And it is very, very good at its job. If, for any reason (and it doesn't have to make sense) the unconscious thinks that getting pregnant is unsafe, it will shut down fertility. So even though I am highly supportive of the fertility procedures that clients choose to access (for some people, this is the only option), the reproductive system has it own wisdom...it doesn't do well with being pushed, pestered or bullied. It needs nurturing, love, acceptance.
That is why I see clients at ALIVE Holistic Health, a TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) clinic, because TCM understands these principles. If you read Pathways To Pregnancy, Mary Wong's book (Mary is the Director of the clinic), you will see that she is a firm advocate for nurturing and supporting what the body needs. When its needs are met (nutritionally and for the unconscious mind), pregnancy happens easily.
This article explains this concept a little better: It Took 7 Miscarriages, 10 IVF cycles, 9 Years, and Nearly $200,000 to Solve My Fertility Issues.
If you would like to chat you can book a free 15 minute phone consultation here. Or call 416 255 8333 / use the contact form for email.
Central Toronto clinic times available at ALIVE Holistic Health
Pathways to Pregnancy
I am excited to have a copy of Mary Wong's new book: Pathways to Pregnancy.
Here is a video about the upcoming book: Pathways to Pregnancy video
Pathways to Pregnancy website
The Mind-Body Fertility Connection, James Schwartz
Spirit Babies, Walter Makichen
This book has meditations that some people find helpful. If you are in a relationship, I recommend doing the chanting with your partner.
It can also be a good idea to record you both for those times that you cannot physically do the chanting together.
Here is a video about the upcoming book: Pathways to Pregnancy video
Pathways to Pregnancy website
The Mind-Body Fertility Connection, James Schwartz
Spirit Babies, Walter Makichen
This book has meditations that some people find helpful. If you are in a relationship, I recommend doing the chanting with your partner.
It can also be a good idea to record you both for those times that you cannot physically do the chanting together.
Audio Files

These mp3 files are designed to support your fertility journey.
Large files cannot be directly uploaded to cell phones. Download to your computer first and then transfer to the player of your choice.
I strongly recommend that your cell phone be on "airplane mode" whenever possible, especially during sleep. Research on EMF (electromagnetic fields) does not conclusively prove the safety for adults, and the developing fetus may be at greater risk.
You have a choice of:
Large files cannot be directly uploaded to cell phones. Download to your computer first and then transfer to the player of your choice.
I strongly recommend that your cell phone be on "airplane mode" whenever possible, especially during sleep. Research on EMF (electromagnetic fields) does not conclusively prove the safety for adults, and the developing fetus may be at greater risk.
You have a choice of:
mp3: Natural Fertility
This 30 minute recording combines hypnosis and music and is designed to go to sleep to.
Sleeping and "working" at the same time is the easiest way to add relaxation to your schedule.
This recording is for anyone wanting to conceive naturally or in conjunction with a fertility clinic.
Daily use is recommended.
mp3: Enhancing Fertility Clinic Procedures
This 30 minute recording is recommended for frequent use (daily, if possible) in the weeks prior to a fertility procedure.
Train your body to relax into comfort as you walk through the doors of your fertility clinic...
to relax to the touch and voices of your medical team...
to relax deeply during procedures...
so you feel calm, peaceful and positive.
mp3: Quick Self Hypnosis
This 10 minute Quick Self-Hypnosis recording is a quick and easy way to get your self-hypnosis done daily. Space is dedicated on this recording for you to repeat your preferred suggestion (see the suggestions above)
This 30 minute recording combines hypnosis and music and is designed to go to sleep to.
Sleeping and "working" at the same time is the easiest way to add relaxation to your schedule.
This recording is for anyone wanting to conceive naturally or in conjunction with a fertility clinic.
Daily use is recommended.
mp3: Enhancing Fertility Clinic Procedures
This 30 minute recording is recommended for frequent use (daily, if possible) in the weeks prior to a fertility procedure.
Train your body to relax into comfort as you walk through the doors of your fertility clinic...
to relax to the touch and voices of your medical team...
to relax deeply during procedures...
so you feel calm, peaceful and positive.
mp3: Quick Self Hypnosis
This 10 minute Quick Self-Hypnosis recording is a quick and easy way to get your self-hypnosis done daily. Space is dedicated on this recording for you to repeat your preferred suggestion (see the suggestions above)
Do emotions affect fertility?
A 2011 meta-analysis published in the British Medical Journal looked at fourteen studies with 3583 infertile women undergoing a cycle of fertility treatment.
The conclusion is:
The conclusion is:
The findings of this meta-analysis should reassure women and doctors that emotional distress caused by fertility problems
or other life events co-occurring with treatment will not compromise the chance of becoming pregnant.
or other life events co-occurring with treatment will not compromise the chance of becoming pregnant.
At the same time, hypnosis has shown to significantly increase successful pregnancy rates.
Is it important to be calm and confident during treatments?
I believe that being calm and confident is helpful, but if this is all that was needed to get pregnant, fertility clinics wouldn't be as busy as they are.
Can hypnosis help to reduce anxiety?
Should someone beat herself up for feeling anxious?
Absolutely not.
In the meantime, be aware of your self-talk and understand that your inner (unconscious) mind is listening in.
As best as you can, give your inner mind clear messages of a safe and healthy pregnancy to term.
Check out the blog post titled The Three Rs at ALIVE Holistic Health
1) There are no Randomized Controlled Trials/RCT (research) that look at other factors, such as unconscious decisions that block pregnancy, because it is impossible to an RCT while also providing a personalized approach.
One Case Report study that did provide a personalized approach utilized an approach of resolving unconscious blocks using hypnosis. Their results found a term birth rate of 65%; the miscarriage rate was 7%. The participants were between 26 and 42 yrs old and had an average of 3.5 years of infertility treatments (range: two to twelve years).
This was at a time when assisted reproduction failed much more than today: the success rate of all forms of medical treatment (IVF, DI, GIFT) during 1985-1991 was 11.3 percent.
The average number of hypnosis sessions required was ten. (Conceptions of the Mind: The role of hypnotherapy interventions in medically-unexplained, functional and psychosomatic infertility, Phillip D.R.Quinn and Michael Pawson, European Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, Vol 1: No. 4, July 1994, pp 8-17)
2) This article cites a clinic that has a high rate of success with hypnosis as an adjunct: Hypnotize To Fertilize?
3) Curious about the actual brain changes found with hypnosis?
Check out this article in Scientific American.
Purchasing Recordings
Contact me if you wish to purchase either of the fertility recordings ($9.99 + hst; email transfer).
Thank you!
Contact me at:
416 255 8333