About Shawn Gallagher, BA, BCH, Hypnofertility® and mBIT Coach
I am a Board Certified Hypnotist (National Guild of Hypnotists) with specialties in pain management, childbirth preparation and HypnoFertility®. I have been in practice for over fifteen years.
I train Certified Hypnotists in Pain Management and Birthing for Hypnotists. I was a presenter at the Mount Sinai Mind-Body Fertility Conference, 2014 and I have been a regular presenter at the Mount Sinai Mind-Body Fertility Program.
Hypnosis is also helpful in resolving pregnancy concerns (e.g. Nausea and Vomiting of Pregnancy/NVP, breech presentation, encouraging term pregnancy) and birth preparation. The Birthing for Hypnotists training provides detailed training on these topics.
Faster labours, more natural births and a high rate of satisfaction are outcomes of her childbirth education course, the ChildbirthJoy Prenatal Hypnosis series.
Hypnosis has a growing and supportive body of medical research and it is well-known for its stress-reduction aspects. Information on a webinar series Research Findings in Hypnosis will be provided when complete.
I graduated from the University of Toronto with a B.A. in Liberal Arts.
I was a Registered Midwife in Toronto for over thirteen years and a cofounder of Midwife Alliance in west Toronto. In addition to helping establish the first midwifery privileges issued by St. Joseph’s Health Centre, I worked with a volunteer group (the Midwifery Task Force of Ontario/MTFO) to help Ontario become the first province in Canada to regulate midwifery in 1994. Basic midwifery training was in the US followed by an internship with the Midwives Collective of Toronto (the university programme for midwifery was not yet established).
I was a doula for many years; I contributed to the anthology series, Bearing Witness: Childbirth Stories Told by Doulas (Quarry Press) and I continue to teach as a childbirth educator today (1986 to present).
My husband and I live in west Toronto.
I train Certified Hypnotists in Pain Management and Birthing for Hypnotists. I was a presenter at the Mount Sinai Mind-Body Fertility Conference, 2014 and I have been a regular presenter at the Mount Sinai Mind-Body Fertility Program.
Hypnosis is also helpful in resolving pregnancy concerns (e.g. Nausea and Vomiting of Pregnancy/NVP, breech presentation, encouraging term pregnancy) and birth preparation. The Birthing for Hypnotists training provides detailed training on these topics.
Faster labours, more natural births and a high rate of satisfaction are outcomes of her childbirth education course, the ChildbirthJoy Prenatal Hypnosis series.
Hypnosis has a growing and supportive body of medical research and it is well-known for its stress-reduction aspects. Information on a webinar series Research Findings in Hypnosis will be provided when complete.
I graduated from the University of Toronto with a B.A. in Liberal Arts.
I was a Registered Midwife in Toronto for over thirteen years and a cofounder of Midwife Alliance in west Toronto. In addition to helping establish the first midwifery privileges issued by St. Joseph’s Health Centre, I worked with a volunteer group (the Midwifery Task Force of Ontario/MTFO) to help Ontario become the first province in Canada to regulate midwifery in 1994. Basic midwifery training was in the US followed by an internship with the Midwives Collective of Toronto (the university programme for midwifery was not yet established).
I was a doula for many years; I contributed to the anthology series, Bearing Witness: Childbirth Stories Told by Doulas (Quarry Press) and I continue to teach as a childbirth educator today (1986 to present).
My husband and I live in west Toronto.