I’m so glad you’re here, as that tells me you are interested in making empowered, evidence-based decisions
about your upcoming birth!
Evidence Based Birth® exists to make a lasting positive impact on the lives of mothers and babies around the world.
As an Evidence Based Birth® Instructor, I want to help put accurate, evidence based info into the hands of families just like yours, so that you can make informed, empowered choices and have the positive birth you deserve!
To get started, take a look at this link on my other website with the following topics (video and transcripts):
cochrane library
facts vs opinions
natural labour induction: acupuncture
natural labour induction: red raspberry leaf tea
natural labour induction: blue and black cohosh
natural labour induction: eating dates
natural labour induction: breast stimulation
natural labour induction: castor oil
natural labour induction: evening primrose oil
natural labour induction: pineapple
natural labour induction: sex
cervical checks in prenatal care
membrane sweeping
birth balls: use in labour
newborn eye ointment
vitamin k: oral
vitamin k: injection
placental encapsulation
I’m so glad you’re here, as that tells me you are interested in making empowered, evidence-based decisions
about your upcoming birth!
Evidence Based Birth® exists to make a lasting positive impact on the lives of mothers and babies around the world.
As an Evidence Based Birth® Instructor, I want to help put accurate, evidence based info into the hands of families just like yours, so that you can make informed, empowered choices and have the positive birth you deserve!
To get started, take a look at this link on my other website with the following topics (video and transcripts):
cochrane library
facts vs opinions
natural labour induction: acupuncture
natural labour induction: red raspberry leaf tea
natural labour induction: blue and black cohosh
natural labour induction: eating dates
natural labour induction: breast stimulation
natural labour induction: castor oil
natural labour induction: evening primrose oil
natural labour induction: pineapple
natural labour induction: sex
cervical checks in prenatal care
membrane sweeping
birth balls: use in labour
newborn eye ointment
vitamin k: oral
vitamin k: injection
placental encapsulation
Train to be an Evidence Based Birth Instructor
Thofe Evidence Based Birth® Instructor program will start accepting registrations as of August 15, 2018.
I have learned more about birth and the issues in maternity care in the last year than I have in decades. Being an EBB Instructor is rewarding and will stretch you.
Allison Thompson and I are EBB Instructors in Toronto and it is our goal to create a thriving community of colleagues who will work together to create the change that women are asking for as well as what the research supports.
There will be several live Q & A webinars, where Rebecca Dekker explains the program and answers questions. You can register for the day/time that works for you by signing up here: https://evidencebasedbirth.com/instructor-program-webinars/
If you want to attend a Q & A about the Instructor program but can't make a live session, simply register for one of the webinars and the video replay will automatically be sent to your email address. Attending the Q & A webinar is not required if you want to apply, but you are strongly encouraged to view one of them as there is quite a bit of information provided.
This link is to register to enroll in the Instructor training. Evidence Based Birth® offers reduced rates for students, midwifery practices and women of colour: evidencebasedbirthacademy.com/434/pro-member-info

Have you ever worried about how you’re going to…
- Stand up for what you want, all while talking respectfully with your providers
- Increase your chances of getting your birth plan followed
- Get past a traumatic birth in the past and have a better experience this time around
- Set yourself up for the easiest birth scenario possible given your unique circumstances
You’re not alone in feeling like this…
Whether you’re a first time mom, or you didn’t have a positive experience with your older child’s birth, it’s common to feel anxious that you’re not going to get the birth you want!
Many expecting parents tell us that they worry a lot about who or what they might confront during childbirth.
Many expecting parents tell us that they worry a lot about who or what they might confront during childbirth.
BUT it doesn’t have to be that way for you!

As an Evidence Based Birth® Instructor, I am here to help ensure that you have the local support, knowledge and empowerment they need to take ownership of your birth.
The Savvy Birth Workshop for Parents
Are you anxious about your upcoming birth?
The Savvy Birth Workshop for parents was developed by Evidence Based Birth® to give you and your partner the confidence and know-how you need to have a more positive, empowering experience in the birthing room.
June and September 2018 dates to be announced.
Private Coaching for Expecting Parents
As an Evidence Based Birth® Instructor, I will work with you one-on-one to increase your confidence about your upcoming birth.
Your eyes will be opened and you’ll feel much more at ease, knowing that you DO have the ultimate power and say in your care!
Your eyes will be opened and you’ll feel much more at ease, knowing that you DO have the ultimate power and say in your care!
to be announced
building bridges, empowering birth
The Savvy Birth Pro Workshop
Three Contact Hours
Developed by Evidence Based Birth®, this workshop gives professionals the skills needed to make a genuine difference: help your clients attain the best possible chance at evidence-based care during pregnancy, labour and birth.
Learning Objectives
- define evidence-based care (EBC) and discuss the difference between EBC and routine care
- discuss the evidence of local birth setting options
- demonstrate how your clients can talk with their HealthCare Providers about research evidence
- discuss how partners and doulas can work together to provide birth support
- discuss several ways to obtain birth goals in less than supportive settings
- identify the benefits and limitations of birth plans and childbirth education
- discuss human and legal rights as pertains to birth.
Who is the Savvy BIrth Pro Workshop for?
Birth Professionals, including:
If you have pregnant or birthing clients, this workshop is for you.
- Doula
- Childbirth Educator
- Registered Midwife
- Registered Nurse
- Physician
- Naturopathic Doctor
- Chiropractor Doctor
- Perinatal Support Worker
- Lactation Consultant
- Physiotherapist
- Massage Therapist
- Psychotherapist.
If you have pregnant or birthing clients, this workshop is for you.
Allison Thompson, Evidence Based Birth Instructor
Shawn Gallagher, Evidence Based Birth Instructor
Shawn Gallagher, Evidence Based Birth Instructor
Workshop Details:
- $50 / $40 when register early
- Admission only
- $75 / $65 when register early
- Admission
- CEU certificate
- $150 / $130 when register early
- Admission
- CEU certificate
- EBB flash drive with handouts and all EBB articles (value: $95 US)
- one month membership with Evidence Based Birth (value: $30 US)
All amounts subject to HST.
To Book
To be announced
Evidence Based Birth
To Inquire or Register: