(Words: 1857, time: 3-4 minutes).
Our news feeds are full of anguish and devastating heartbreak.
I want to shut off, turn away. And yet, I check back in again hoping my heart will be able to cope with yet another onslaught.
As a hypnotist, I know that focusing on what I DO want is important. It points me in the direction of where I want to go. It helps me in finding solutions.
But how do I do that when I feel like I am barely treading water as it is? As an empath, I deeply feel the pain that is ricocheting around the world. And all I want to do is crawl into bed, curl into a fetal position, and wake up in 2022 when this is all (hopefully) over.
First: the bad news.
We have three major eclipses happening soon on June 6, 20, July 4, 2020.
An eclipse works like a cleaning service that gets rid of what is no longer needed. If you've ever cleaned out a closet and first pulled everything out of the closet and piled it on the bed, your room looks like like a mess more than ever, doesn't it? it looks WAY worse than it did before.
This is where we are at today. Our beloved planet looks like a mess. It looks hopeless and beyond repair. What can I do, I think. I am just one small person.
But if that was the case, closets would never get sorted out. Yes, things are terrible right now. But not because suddenly everything became terrible. Things have been terrible for a long time, but we've been shutting the door to that closet so that we didn't have to actually look at the mess.
Our job NOW is to acknowledge the mess...and then ALSO focus on we DO want.
I see a lot of people focusing on the day a vaccine will finally be available. They think, "then I can live my life and feel safe."
Alternatively, I see people focus on avoiding and resisting the vaccine and going down rabbit holes of what our (presumably evil) government is planning.
These responses are normal. NEVER in human history have we been through something like this, in this way. We are needing to figure out our responses on the fly. We are wired for the need to feel safe. That's why we can be triggered with the fight/flight/freeze response.
If you've ever been in pain and then you focused on the pain, what happens?
You get more pain.
Once you distract yourself and focus on something else, the pain then drops and this allows you a moment to then be able to do something about it.
When it comes to the coronavirus, first acknowledge how you are feeling (the pain).
Then STOP focusing your mental attention on the negative. For at least a few moments of your day, step out of fight/flight/freeze. It's important for your immune system and mental health. Take breaks. Go for a walk. Watch a funny movie. Read a book. Hug your pet/loved one/a tree.
By all accounts, SARS-CoV-2 is an unusual virus (it affects blood function) but it is mild virus. As long as you are reasonably healthy, you should be able to recover fine. Those who are immunocompromised, of course, need to take extra precautions.
You don't need a vaccine to be safe in the world (if that's you choice, then that's your choice).
You don't need to focus on fighting an corrupt government, because the more energy anyone gives to that, the more it actually adds to the energy of corrupt governments.
There is a massive amount of present-day and ancestral trauma that is surfacing these days. No lie - it's super painful. I've found myself sobbing and barely surfing the grief.
But once it's out of the closet, trauma is finally able to be healed. This pain itself is not bad. It sucks, yes. It hurts. We don't like it.
But it's not bad.
As we move through June and early July, we should expect it. Buckle up, because it may get worse before it gets better. (Things get better in August, apparently, so we have that to look forward to.)
But we can navigate this with greater ease if we choose. In this pain, you have the option of stepping into your superpower.
So...what is it? What's your superpower?
If your superpower is protesting and holding government accountable, do this.
If your superpower is writing/educating/posting about systemic racism, do this.
If your superpower is working in a lab to learn more about the virus, do this.
If your superpower is as a frontline healthcare worker, do this.
If your superpower is being a parent run ragged with kids, do this.
If your superpower is energy work/prayer/holding emotional space, do this.
Whatever your superpower is, tap into it. Use it. And use it from a heartspace of love. Let go of judgement of yourself and others.
We need you and your superpower now more than ever.
i am a hypnotist and my superpower is helping others tap into their inner strengths.
I created meditation for calm and inner peace - a short (7 minute) video that encourages heartspace and a more grounded awareness.
If you are drawn to a spiritual approach, Patricia Cota-Robles shares wisdom at Era of Peace about the concept of how we are all one energy and what hurts one, hurts us all. What benefits one, benefits all.
When you can, tap into your best energy because when you do this, it helps us all.